- SUPARCO and NCEG Collaborate on Lunar Sample Research & Sign MoU for Five Years
- MOU signed between NCEG And Abdullah AIRushaid Chair for Earth Science Remote Sensing Research (ESRS) Chair,King Saud University
- MOU signed between NCEG And Giant Sequoia AI Technology (Changsha) China
- GIS and Space Applications in Geosciences (GSAG) Laboratory, National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG), University of Peshawar & Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
- National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG), University of Peshawar And Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
- MOU Signed between NCEG and Center of Excellence in Minerology (CEM), University of Balochistan, Quetta
- MOU Signed between NCEG and Directorate General Mines and Minerals (GDMM)
- MOU Signed between NCEG and HDIP for mutual cooperation in promoting scientific research
- MOU Signed between GIS and Space Applications in Geosciences (GSAG) Laboratory, NCE in Geology, University of Peshawar & Department of Environmental Sciences, Karakorum International University
- MOU Signed between NCEG and Halliburton for USD 1 Million Landmark ‘Decision Space Geoscience’ Software Grant
- MoU Signing Ceremony between University of Malakand and National Center of Excellence in Geology,University of Peshawar.
- MOU between NCEG and Sarhad Chambers of Commerce
- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between National Centre of Excellences in Geology (NCEG), University of Peshawar And Bahria University, Islamabad
- MoU signed between NCE in Geology and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
- NCEG signs MoU with China University of Geosciences