Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Laboratory
SEM Model: JSM-IT-100
Main features: In addition to routine Secondary Electron detector, this SEM is equipped with three other detectors including; Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer, Backscattered Electron and Cathodolumninescence (CL). It has variable pressure capability using both HV and LV modes as well as accelerating voltage ranging from 5-30KV. The EDS is unique in a sense that it is capable of doing variety of elemental analyses such as; line, point, spectrum and compositional mapping.
Applications: This SEM has wide applications in a number of disciplines such as physical sciences as well as engineering and it is particularly designed for earth sciences. Combination of Backscattered, EDS and CL detectors makes it a magnificent machine to be used for determining both morphological as well as compositional variations in any geological matter of interest.
Experience of Incharge: Dr. Muhammad Hanif (Associate Professor) having PhD from United Kingdom and a commonwealth fellow. Dr. Hanif has over 13 years of experience in the fields of sedimentology/stratigraphy and their applications in Petroleum Geology. He has supervised over a dozen of postgraduate research projects in the subjects mentioned above and has a good number of research publications to his credit in reputed international impact factor journals. His detailed profile can be accessed either at NCEG website or at ResearchGate

Lab Incharge: Dr. Muhammad Hanif