Journal Of Himalayan Earth Sciences (JHES)


Criteria for authorship:
  1. Considerable contributions to the commencement or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

All individual designated as authors should meet the above mentioned criteria for authorship. Those who do not meet the above criteria should be acknowledged in the work.

Ethical responsibilities for authors:
  1. Author must present an accurate and complete account of research performed, absolutely avoiding deception.
  2. The corresponding author must have the approval of all the authors for each submission and publication of manuscript.
  3. Each co-author is responsible for considering his or her role in the project and whether that role merits attribution of authorship.
  4. Ghost authorships are not permitted and others contributors should be mentioned in acknowledgment.
  5. Industry representatives or others retained by industry who contributed to an article and meet the requirements for authorship or acknowledgement must be appropriately listed as contributors or authors on the article and their industry affiliation must be disclosed in the published article.
  6. The materials in any newly submitted paper should be original. If the paper is based on a prior publication, its contents must be substantially different from the previous version. The authors need to indicate how the new paper differs from relevant previous publications.
  7. Any figure, table, or other materials taken from any other paper (preferably published) shall not be used without proper citation in the manuscript.
  8. Author needs to identify the source of all information quoted or offered, except that which is common knowledge.
  9. Personal criticism is never acceptable; however, criticism regarding the scientific work of others must be appropriate.
  10. Potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise must be disclosed to the editor with the submission.
  11. Authors should fully disclose related financial interests and outside activities in publications (including articles, abstracts, manuscripts submitted for publication), presentations at professional meetings, and applications for funding.
  12. The research mentioned in the manuscript should be conducted in accordance with the commonly accepted ethical standards.
  13. .It is the responsibility of corresponding author to notify the editor immediately if any statements of the list cease to be true.


Order of Authorship:

The Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences appreciates that the order of authorship should be in the descending order of contributions; however, several different ways of determining order of authorship exist across different disciplines, research groups, and institutes. The promotion committees, granting agencies, readers, and others who seek to understand how individual authors have contributed to the work should (in the case of order of authorship of the Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences) believe that the order is for the contribution of work of the individual authors.

Change in Authorship:
  1. Addition of author’s name before issue is published
    1. Corresponding author will send request to the chief editor/associate editor, with clear reasons for the inclusion of name.
    2. Corresponding author must submit agreement to be accountable for the changes in authorship.
    3. Chief editor/associate editor may ask the corresponding author to submit No Objection Certificate from all the authors.
    4. All authors must agree on the inclusion of name if not so than the paper publication will be suspended or will be published without the addition of new name.
    5. Chief editor in consultation with the associate editor will extend a final decision afterwards no further addition can take place.


  2. Removal of author’s name before issue is published
    1. Corresponding author will send request to the chief editor/associate editor, with clear reasons for the exclusion of name.
    2. Corresponding author must submit agreement to be accountable for the changes in authorship.
    3. Corresponding author will also submit No Objection Certificate from all authors
    4. All authors must agree on the exclusion of name, if not so than the paper publication will be suspended or will be published without the removal of name.
    5. Acceptance letter from the author whose name should be omitted must be provided with the request otherwise request will not be entertained.
    6. Chief editor in consultation with the associate editor will extend a final decision afterwards no further removal can take place.


  3. Addition or omission of author name after online publishing

  4. There will no change in the name and sequence of authors once the journal is published online. No queries in the regard will be entertained.

  5. Claim of outsider that he/she contributed in the paper and his/her name was not included in the paper

  6. Corresponding author will be responsible for such claims and Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences editorial board, staff and the faculty or the administration of National Centre of Excellence in Geology will not be responsible for such claim.