Editorial Policy:

  1. Chief Editor is the ultimate patron-in-chief of Journal of Himalayans Earth Sciences (JHES).
  2. Editors and subject editors shall have to give an unbiased consideration to all manuscripts submitted to Journal of Himalayans Earth Sciences for publication.
  3. Editors and Subject Editors shall avoid situations of real or apparent conflicts of interest if the relationship would bias judgement of the manuscript. Such conflicts may include, but are not limited to, handling papers from present and former students, from colleagues with whom the editors have recently collaborated, and from those in the same institution.
  4. Each manuscript shall be judged on its merits regardless to affiliation, race, gender, religious belief, citizenship, ethnic origin, personal relation, or political philosophy of the author(s).
  5. Editors shall process the manuscript on time.
  6. Associate Editor (in consultation with the Chief Editor) shall send the paper to concerned Subject Editors to choose relevant reviewer (s).
  7. Chief Editor (in consultation with Associate Editor and/or Subject Editors) shall extend decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscript, which will be final. Chief Editor may consult the Associate Editor or Subject Editor in this regard.
  8. The Editor shall respect the intellectual independence of the authors.
  9. Chief Editor/Associate Editor shall assign tasks regarding manuscript processing to Subject Editors and other editorial staff (i.e. Editorial Assistants).
  10. Chief Editor, Associate Editor and concerned editorial staff shall not disclose the non-public information to anyone except the potential reviewer(s).
  11. Chief Editor, Associate Editor shall choose the reviewer(s) for a particular manuscript, however. they can also invite Subject Editors to find the relevant reviewer(s).
  12. If the Editor is an author of any manuscript submitted to Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences then  the editorial responsibility and authority shall be delegated to some other qualified person, such as another Editor or an Associate Editor.