Public Defence

Ms. Sumbal Bahar Saba Public Defence on February 04, 2020 at 10:00am

"Landslide detection and monitoring by using pixel, sub-pixel and object based image classification approaches; a case study from Muzaffarabad"

Ms. Sumbal Bahar Saba has completed her PhD degree in Geospatial Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nimatullah Khattak and Dr. Muhammad Ali. Her PhD thesis is titled as "Landslide detection and monitoring by using pixel, sub-pixel and object based image classification approaches; a case study from Muzaffarabad". In the public defense held at the National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar on Thursday, February 04, 2020, Ms. Saba successfully defended her thesis. The public defense was followed by viva voce examination. The examination committee was comprised of Prof. Dr. Safdar Ali Shirazi (Department of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore), Prof. Dr. Iffat Tabassum (Department of Geography, University of Peshawar, Peshawar) and Dr. Shakil Mahmood (Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Govt. College University, Lahore).