Geol.621 Imitation, Synthetic and Treated gemstones (3C.H)
Course Contents: Theories of synthesizing gems (theories, practical limitations, successes), chemistry of gems, their natural occurrences, and their environment of formation, early attempts to synthesize gems (diamonds, ruby, sapphire, emerald and corrundum, various experiments at simulating the natural environments, successes, problems), plastics and glass imitations (composition, processing, types, properties, commercial production, evaluation and use), problems with synthetics and initiations (fractures, inclusions, reflection of light, strength, crystal structures, corrosion and abrasion), coloring and dying gems (methodology, emerald, beryl, topaz, quartz, doublets, triplets, turquoise) rare synthetics (periclase (MgO), fabulite, lithium niobate, KTN, Gahnite)
Recommended books:
- GEMS by Webster, R. (1970). Butterworth & Co, Publishers, London.
- Gems Made by Man by Nassau, K. (1980). Chilton Book Co.
- Practical Gemmology by Webster, R. (1978). NAG Press Ltd, London.
- Gemstones by Smith, F. H., & Philips, F. C. (1971). Chapman & Hall Pub.
- Gems: Their Source, Deposition, and Identification (4th ed.) by Webster, R., & Anderson, B. W. (1983). Butterworth & Co., Publishers, London.