Geol.619 Gem Testing and Evaluation (3C.H)
Course Contents: Chemical and crystal composition of gems, various testing methods (reflection, refraction, color, hardness, crystal form, specific gravity, instrumental testing, microscope, refractometer, spectroscope, hand lens, advance Testing, XRF, XRD, Probe, Raman spectroscope, FTIR, SEM/EDX, chemical analysis, evaluation, conventional market value, value based on scientific tests, marketability and market trends
Recommended books:
- Gems Made by Man by Nassau, K. (1980). Chilton Book Co.
- Practical Gemmology by Webster, R. (1978). NAG Press Ltd.
- Gems: Their Source, Deposition and Identification (4th ed.) by Webster, R., & Anderson, B. W. (1983). Butterworths.
- Gem Testing Techniques by Hodgkinsons, A. (2023).