Geos.805      ADVANCE  REMOTE SENSING (ARS)                             (3 C.H)

Concept of passive and active remote sensing, introduction to visual image interpretation and digital image analysis, different satellite systems operating in visible, infra-red and microwave regions of EMR (both active and passive), microwave remote sensing, RADAR and its concepts, RADAR image properties, advance RADAR applications especially for geology, satellite DEM’s properties (SRTM and ASTER), SONAR technology and its geological applications,
airborne vs spaceborne RADAR.
Digital image processing techniques, pre-processing: geometric and radiometric corrections, noise removing, image mosaicking, subset creation, image enhancement especially for geological interpretations: contrasts enhancement, spatial filtering, colour composites, resolution merges (data fusion), and principal component analysis, image transformation: band spectral ratioing  (NDVI), digital image classification: supervised, unsupervised and hybrid classification of remote sensing data for geological interpretation, accuracy assessment.

Practical exercises on: ERDAS imagine 9.1, ILWIS 3.6, ENVI.

Pre-requisite: Geos.710 (REMOTE SENSING)     

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