Geop.810      EARTHQUAKE SEISMIOLOGY                                     (3 C.H)

Historical development of global seismology, seismicity, earthquake sources involving shear faulting, instrumentation in earthquake seismology, quantification of earthquake, earthquake distribution, elasticity and seismic waves, one dimensional wave solution, three dimensional wave solution, earthquake size and scaling, focal mechanisms, body wave and ray theory, seismometery, seismogram interpretation, probabilistic seismic hazard calculation, seismic sources, earthquake kinematics and dynamics, seismic wave form modeling, computer modeling programs, seismic moment tensor, eigen values and eigen vector, inversion of moment tensor,  vector and tensor, can earthquake size be controlled by initial second of rupture, subsequent earthquakes, prediction of subsequent earthquakes, mathematical introduction to seismic tomography, tele-seismic tomography, anatomy of seismograms,  seismotectonics, imaging 3-D lithospheric structure using micro-earthquakes

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