Chemical composition of igneous rocks, composition of the Earth, structure of silicate melts, trace element partitioning between crystals and melts, role of major and trace elements in deciphering the formation and evolution of silicate melts, isotope systematic in meteorites, cosmogenic nuclides and solar system chronologies, development of the modern multi-collector mass spectrometer, mass fractionation laws, high precision isotope ratio measurements, isotope geochemistry of noble gases and radiogenic nuclides as pertaining to the composition and history of the mantle and crust, radiometric age dating as applied to the solution of geologic problems.
Books Recommended:- Principles of isotope geology by Foure, G., 1986. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
- Chemical fundamental of geology by Gill, R.C., 1985. Harper Collins.
- Geochemistry by Brownlow and Arthur, H., 1996. Prentice Hall.
- Essentials of geochemistry by Walther, J.V., 2008. Jones & Bartlett Pub.
- Radiometric dating for geologists by Hamilton, E.I. and Farquhar, R.M. (Eds.), 1968. Interscience Publication.