Course Contents:
"Introduction to Mesoscopic Structures, definition and significance of mesoscopic structures, classification and nomenclature of geological structures, Structural analysis, Strain analysis, methods for quantifying and analyzing strain in rocks, interpretation of strain data in geological contexts, Kinematic analysis of complex areas, kinematic indicators and analysis of structural deformation, application of kinematic analysis in tectonic reconstructions, Fold geometry and measurement of fold elements, detailed study of fold geometry and terminology, measurement and analysis of fold axial planes and axial surfaces, Fault geometry and measurement of fault elements, detailed study of fault geometry and terminology, measurement and analysis of fault planes and associated fault structures, Metamorphic structures and deformational patterns, metamorphic rock structures as indicators of deformation, Case studies of metamorphic structures in complexly deformed regions, Data collection and analysis techniques, data collection methods, including mapping and sampling in the field, Laboratory techniques for analyzing collected samples, specialized data plotting and interpretation, Advanced methods for plotting and interpreting geological data, stress and strain analysis using specialized software and tools, Advanced structural analysis, Stress orientation analysis, understanding and analyzing the orientation of stress in geological structures, Determining stress regimes in various tectonic settings, as well as sense of slip and tectonic significance, Analysis of fault and shear sense indicators and the tectonic implications of different fault and shear types."
Books Recommended:
- Structural Geology by Twiss, R. J., & Moores, E. M. (2007). 2nd Edition. Freeman and Company, New York.
- Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions by Davis, G. H., & Reynolds, S. J. (1996). 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
- Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions by Davis, G. H., Reynolds, S. J., Kluth, C., & Kluth, C. F. (2012). 3rd Edition. United Kingdom: Wiley.
- An Outline of Structural Geology by Hobbs, I. B., Means, W. D., & Williams, D. F. (1976). John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Basic Methods of Structural Geology by Marshak, S., & Mitra, G. (1988). Prentice Hall, Englewood, New Jersey, USA.
- Structural Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks by Turner, F. J., & Weiss, L. E. (1963). Mc Graw Hill, New York.
- The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Folds and Fractures by Ramsay, J. G., & Huber, M. I. (1987). Volume 2. Academic Press, London.
- Kinematic Evolution and Structural Styles of Fold-and-Thrust Belts (2011). United Kingdom: Geological Society.
- Structural Geology by Fossen, H. (2016). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Structural Geology: The Mechanics of Deforming Metamorphic Rocks by Hobbs, B. E., & Ord, A. (2014). Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
- Structural Geology: An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques by Ragan, D. M. (2009). Cambridge University Press.