Geol.803         MICRO-TECTONICS                                                                 (3C.H)


A framework of microtectonic studies, flow and deformation, description and reconstruction of deformation, reference frames, homogeneous and inhomogeneous flow and deformation, deformation and strain, deformation and stress, deformation mechanisms, cataclasis, dissolution-precipitation, intracrystalline deformation, twinning and kinking, recrystallization, foliations, lineations and lattice preferred orientation, foliation classification, terminology of lineations, shear zones, brittle fault rocks, mylonite, complex fault rocks, sense of shear, microscopic shear sense indicators in mylonite, shear sense in the brittle regime, dilation sites, veins, strain shadows, fringes and boudins, porphyroblast rotation versus non-rotation, natural microgauges.

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