Geol.789           PETROLEUM ENGINEERING                                                  (3 C.H)

Introduction- the roles of the geoscientist and petroleum engineer, basic principles and terminology of oil production, reserves. Operations- well drilling problems and solutions, production operations, production problems and solutions. Rock properties- effective porosity and permeability, relative permeability, capillary pressure data, formation compressibility. Hydrocarbon fluid properties- the nature of hydrocarbons, phase behaviour and PVT analysis, fluid types defined in terms of phase diagrams, reservoir fluid properties, the material balance equation. Reservoir recovery mechanisms- primary recovery, secondary recovery, tertiary recovery. Well performance prediction- well testing, well inflow performance, well outflow performance, formation damage, artificial lift. Reservoir performance prediction- analytical models, simulation models. Well planning- deviated wells, subsurface pressures, the drilling programme. Field development planning- the E&P project cycle, production profiles, development concepts.

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