Class Work: Introduction to the area, brief about local and regional geology, identification of geological problems in the area, collection of published data, maps, field kit etc.
In the field: map orientation, the three techniques of locating observer’s position on the topographic map, observations and identification of rock types, lithologies, rock formations, minerals, structures, visual estimation of bed thickness, continuity, shape and structure, data recording, notes taking and recording techniques, techniques of measuring and recording the structural data (dip, strike, plunge, fold axis, foliation, faults, lineation, slip direction, slip orientation and sense), Rock sampling techniques, Oriented samples, field sketches drawing techniques, stratigraphic section measurement and related techniques, field mapping techniques,
Laboratory Work:
Construction of cross-sections, Finalizing geological map, Arranging the samples and raw data for lab work, Interpretation of maps, preparation of stereonet projections.
Books Recommended:
- Field Geology by Lahee 1961, McGraw. Hill F.H
- Field Geology by D.B. Bates & J.F. Kirkaldy, 1976, Blandford Press, 215p.
- Manual of Field Geology by R.R Compton, 1962, John-Wiley and Sons, 378p.
- Geologic Field Methods by J.W. Low, G.S Sweeting, 1972, Univ. Tutorial Press, 280p.