Geol.722 COAL GEOLOGY (3 C.H)
Course Contents: Geology of the Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts, Tectonic Principles of Fold and Thrust Belts, Map Patterns and Structural Geology, Kohat Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Potwar Deformed Zone, Salt Range Fold and Thrust System, Trans-Indus ranges including Surghar-Shinghar ranges, Marwat-Khisor ranges, Bhittani ranges, Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis, Tectonic Evolution of the Region, Fold and Thrust Belt Kinematics, Stress and Deformation in Fold and Thrust Belts, Tectonic Models and Theories, Role of Sedimentation in Thrust Belts, Seismic Hazards in Fold and Thrust Belts, Crustal and Lithospheric Structure, Foreland Basin Formation and Development, Structural Styles in Fold and Thrust Belts, Fault Systems and Geometry, Orogeny and Tectonic Plate Interactions, Influence of Plate Tectonics on Regional Geology, Integration of Satellite Imagery and Remote Sensing in Geospatial Analysis.