Course Contents:
Carbonate sediments and limestones constituents, Geological background to carbonate sedimentation, Modern carbonate environments, Carbonate rocks (i.e., Limestone) Classification, carbonate depositional systems: Marine, shallow water, lacustrine, deeper-water facies of pelagic and resedimented limestone, carbonate mineralogy and chemistry, Diagenetic processes, products and environments, Dolomites and dolomitization models, geological record of carbonate rocks, microfacies of carbonate rocks
Identification and classification of carbonate sediments in hand specimen and in thin sections; staining; microfacies and carbonate diagenetic fabric interpretations.
Recommended Books:
- Carbonate Sediments and their Diagenesis by Bathurst, R. G. (n.d.). Elsevier.
- Marine Carbonates by Milliman, J. D. (1974). Springer-Verlag.
- Carbonate Depositional Environment by Scholle, P. A., Bebout, D. G., & Moore, C. H. (n.d.). AAPG Mem.
- Carbonate Sedimentology by Tucker, M. E., & Wright, V. P. (1990). Blackwell Scientific Publications.
- Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Interpretation, and Application by Flugel, E. (2009). Springer.
- Carbonate Depositional Environments by Scholle, P. A., Bebout, D. G., & Moore, C. H. (1993). Mem. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.