Envg.835         Hydrochemistry and Groundwater Pollution                    (3 C.H)

Course Objectives
In this course, students will learn about hydrochemistry and groundwater pollution, water sampling, preservation and determination of water quality characteristics and interpretation of the water quality data for contamination evaluation.
Course Contents
A brief introduction to hydrochemistry and groundwater quality; Fundamentals of groundwater; water importance; physical parameters, chemical parameters & biological parameters; Principles and processes controlling composition of natural water; Methods of water sampling and analysis; Properties and constituents of water; Drinking water guidelines (national & international); Presentation, evaluation and interpretation of water analysis data; Recent trends in groundwater quality data and interpretation (Research Papers); Sources, nature and effects of groundwater pollution; Transport of pollutants and chemical processes occurring in aquifers; Saline intrusions in coastal and estuarine sediments; Groundwater contaminations prevention and remedies; Water treatment and techniques for the removal of physical, biological and chemical contaminants; The usefulness of hydrochemical and groundwater pollution data for health perspectives.
The student will able to explain hadrochemical processes influencing groundwater chemistry, and will be able to devise pollution abatement strategies. 
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