Envg.815        ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY                            (3 C.H)

Origin and occurrence of natural compounds on earth surface; chemical composition and structure of earth, interaction between land (lithosphere), living objects (biosphere), water (hydrosphere), air (atmosphere), biogeochemical cycles (the pathway of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, water through which these and other elements move through both biotic (bioshpere) and abiotic compartments of earth (lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere), element storage (system that hold elements for some time such as soil/plants/microorganisms/marine plants), elements release to the natural environment via precipitation, evaporation, leaching, rainfall, erosion, snow melting, landslides, floods, interaction between elements and terrestrial/marine system, distribution/abundance/classification of elements, natural attenuation (factors/processes), degradation, beneficial/harmful impact associated with release of elements on terrestrial/marine ecosystems and human health, biotransformation of toxic pollutants case studies, techniques for risk assessment. 

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