Details of Polar Cooling, Milankovitch Cycle, Dansgaard-Oeschger Events, Heinrich Cycle, Water Vapor, Thermohaline Circulation, Freshwater Fluxes,Mode-switch Triggers).
In additional to the theoretical aspect covered by the above mentioned topics, the course is envisaged to be supplemented by a computer software (MatLab) to construct time-line series and their mutual correlation.
Books recommended:
- Problems in Paleoclimatology by (A.E.M.Nairm, editor) 1964, Interscience Publishers, London.
- Climatology by W.G. Kendrew, 1957, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press,.
- The Glacial World according to Wally by W.S. Broecker, , 1995, LDEO, Columbia University.
- Assorted selection of recent research papers from a variety of journals.